This data confirms my suspicions. By doing this research, I was able to find out the relative interest of the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Area with Fast Food. I concluded from the data that this area is one of the least interested part of California with such a high population.
Again, there is a clearly lower interest in Fast Food in the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Area. If you compare it with Los Angeles, the interst in Los Angeles is almost double that of San Francisco. So, my conclusion from this graph is that San Francisco is a healthier place and the farther south you go, the more Fast Food you will see.
This graph was meant to show how California compares to the rest of the country in terms of interest in Fast Food. It seems as if the parts within California drag it down as a whole and California is 8th on the list out of 50. I concluded from this that as a whole, California is very intersted in Fast Food compared to most of the country.
My overall conclusion is that San Francisco is the healthiest part of California that is highly populated but also overall. However, California as a whole is 8th out of 50 for interst in Fast Food so San Francisco doen't really affect the overall statistic.
Here's a link back to the Overview.